Starting the New Year can be exciting to some and daunting to others. I like to look at it as 365 blank pages so how do I want to fill those pages. Some people make resolutions, and if that works for you, just go for it. Why change if it works?
For me - meh - there was no way I was ever following through. After some reading other ideas such as setting intentions that align with your purpose or choosing one word that covers a whole range of what you would like to accomplish - I decided on one.
Each year I begin with my word for the year and I work on making it fit into my life in all sorts of positive ways. Some examples are 2023 my word was HOPE and 2024 my word was IMAGINE.
For a little background information, 2023 was beginning my New Year without my soulmate. I lost him in October of 2022. So the word HOPE was a way that I was telling myself that I had to have HOPE to make it through the year in a totally different way than ever before. It was not an easy task. It was something that I truly had to work on in my mind. Perhaps I should have gone to grief therapy? Right or wrong, I muddled through with the help of my family and close friends.
In 2024 my word was IMAGINE. I wanted to imagine my new kind of life as an adventure to reinvent myself. I worked on my writing more, creating art, and most importantly, my health. I managed to put on weight through stress eating and I had quite a bit to lose. I had to work on telling myself the truth about what I wanted, not what I should be doing. Learning to say no to what didn't feel good anymore is never easy. But it meant for me to show up for myself by looking into my future. How that would happen will follow. And sure enough - it did.
I worked on ME. With help, I managed to shed 100 lbs in 11 months. Most people (at least this is what they said to me) could not believe that I had 100 extra pounds on my body. Oh yes! I knew that I did. The scales knew that I did. My clothes knew that I did. Positive talk to myself is what I used to kick out any negative vibes trying to get inside of my brain.
Self-care is not selfish--it is essential. Each day I must remind myself to slow down and be present in order to recharge. The best version of everyone is their authentic self. Slowly, I was finding my authentic self and giving myself the freedom to do so without guilt. All of us have unique gifts and the New Year does not necessarily mean the New You. It means finding yourself...the one who has always been there.
Taking small steps to turn my passion into action started slowly but as I gained confidence, it was second nature to me. It really is about living inspired and trusting your journey.
"Stuff" doesn't just happen. You need to take charge and stop listening to your brain because brains do not like change. Why? Fear! It is a matter of following this mantra:
Your life is all about YOU! |