It is very hard for me to grasp the fact that as of Monday, October 23rd, you have not been in my life. It was all so sudden and so unexpected. There is not a day that goes by that I do not talk to you or write to you in my daily journal. I have tried to keep the same routine that you and I had of writing in our journals as our dinner was cooking.
So much of my life has changed without you. Missing someone who passed away is a whole different type of heartache. You would be so proud of your daughter and her family who have stepped up and tried living here in our home to help me get through the grief. Then we discovered that yes, this will work permanently. I know that you hear your granddaughters, especially the youngest one, as she puts her hands together and prays to you out loud, her "Smiley." You will forever be in their hearts. Even our granddaughters down in New Orleans, who we did not get to see nearly as often, still talk about their "Smiley." It does my heart good.
And, I believe that you had something to do with how things worked out in our home. It is now a home of 5. We do things a lot differently than when it was just the two of us. There are now two children living here. This alone makes our home such a happy place. From the saxophone playing (sort of, kind of - she is a beginner in the Middle School band) to the youngest one who is now the Karate Kid! Very active lifestyles with volleyball, drama clubs, etc. Truly, I know in my heart that you knew this is what I needed and helped to make that all happen. Luckily, this house works perfectly due to the size of it for them to live upstairs, just as Tom did before he moved into his own place.
I know that I have to let go of having you by my side. Holding your hand, talking face to face. But I will never let go of loving you, remembering you, honoring you and missing you. It's hard missing you. But, I know that missing you means that I was lucky. It means that I had someone so very special in my life, someone worth missing!
My mind still talks to you. My heart still looks for you. My soul knows you are at peace. But I still miss you. When I lost you, I have never gotten over it. I am slowly learning how to go on without you but you are always tucked safely in my heart.
You were taken from me much too soon. I think of you all the time and talk to you. What I wouldn't give to hear your voice, just one last time. I miss your laugh. I miss everything about you. I will always love you deeply. A quote from Cindy Adkins in the book Angels at My Door sums it up well.
There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will always be in my heart!
Mahatma Gandhi
This is a true statement for me. I am quite sure that it is for many others as well. It is a fact that if it ever became possible, I would have my own place on the ocean - just as long as my daughter and her family could come along with both of our furbabies. It would be very large and we would all have our personal spaces like we do now - only larger. I have the picture in my mind right now.
We would engage our senses in new sights, smells, tastes, and sounds, which would continue to improve our mental state and increase feelings of relaxation - all of the time. The sea is known to restore good mental and physical health through SEA therapy. Not just for a week or two of vacation. But, always.
It is a matter of calming the mind with the meditational ebb and flow of the tides, which lowers anxiety and stress, thereby reducing headaches and lifts depression. The brain receives messages that cause changes that leaves us feeling happier, more relaxed, and full of energy. This, in turn, encourages physical activity, which has a very positive effect on the human mind. It encourages the body to produce the happy hormone, serotonin, which makes people feel happy and stress-free.
It would be a place where we would could live permanently because it truly is just what the doctor ordered. It is a great way to unwind and relax always. The sound of waves crashing has been shown to enhance relaxation more than any other sound. Even walking along the shoreline can make one feel less isolated and happier. This would be grand to live day to day in this state of mind. Even though, let's be real. Life happens and there will be those moments. I just feel that those kind of moments would be short lived if the beach was our permanent residence.
This is most definitely my point of view.