Can you dare to imagine the possibilities in your future? It does not matter about your age; the possibilities are endless. All one needs to do is to get really excited and don't stop thinking about it or even more than one particular thing. Putting things off till tomorrow is not the way to go. Sometimes it takes getting out of our comfort zones to move ahead. This is not always a comfortable feeling. Do you dare to truly envision your future self; whether you are 20 or 60 or 70 or 80. What is in your future?
If you are in the latter age group that I listed, then you already are quite aware that there is no ONE path. Life happens and sometimes dreams must be put on the back burner. Don't let them simmer there too long, is all that I saying. Once we realize that, it can make us understand there are no impossibilities.
Don't let others hold your dreams and passions hostage. Nothing is impossible. Even the word possible is within that word itself. Find what makes you happy and then do more of it. Why put it off to another time? That 'other time' may not come. Live like there is no tomorrow. Enjoy life NOW. Many older people will tell you this is the honest truth and that they wish that they had done more earlier.
If you are still employed and soon to retire (or dreaming of it) then start now working on what you will do. Yes, of course, you will enjoy retirement but will you if you are spending time in a rocking chair or do you have a passion that you want to hone in on if you only had the time. When you retire then you will have the time. I can write, paint, blog, and read - all at my choice of time to do it. It is an amazing feeling.
Truly, it makes one feel more alive, more vibrant, more invigorated. Such a wonderful feeling.
~ There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly. ~