Monday, February 24, 2025



Research has shown that verbalizing our thoughts can actually improve our problem-solving skills. Many times this means talking out loud to ourselves. This facilitates orientation and concentration. It does this by boosting our own motivation to do something positive for ourselves. It is a way to prioritize using informative and structured decisions. This in turn helps to reduce stress in our lives. 

When facing challenges, whether it be work-related or even our own personal issues; reading about the pros and cons of our own situations, and then having a one-on-one conversation with ourselves is a very intelligent way to work on our own problem-solving techniques. 

Putting the wording of my own self-talk in 2nd or 3rd person is a huge motivation. Changing the self-talk from negative (YOU can't do this) to (YOU can do this) can be monumental in your motivation to accomplish a particular job or changing bad habits into good habits. YES, YOU CAN DO THIS! Through repetition of saying it out loud to yourself somehow is the magic trick. It channels negative thoughts into articulating them in a positive and objective light.

There are five levels of self-talk. The first one is all about the negative thoughts. I can't do that...if only I could...I wish that I could. Unfortunately, this is the most used form of self-talk and all it does is work against us.

The more positive would be Level II. This level acknowledges that we need to change. In our heads we are hearing, I need to...I ought to...I should. The recognition is there but something is missing - the solution.

Level III is actually making the decision to change. It is important to put this in the present tense as if it has already happened. Example: I want to lose weight so I need to say, "I am choosing healthy foods to improve my health." It is a way to reprogram my brain. This puts me in control.

Level IV has me thinking totally positively. I am making good choices for myself to achieve my goal. This fills my mind with self-belief, self-respect, and positive programming.

The last level, Level V is total universal affirmation. It has us to have more acceptance of ourselves. We see that we do matter and that there is meaning in our lives. No thought at any time can dwell in my mind without my permission. If it tries...I can choose to accept it or I can kick it out.

I know what I will choose, and I can positively say that it works. Do you remember back in the days when we would pass someone in public and think they were crazy because it seemed as though they were talking out loud to themselves? It was before earbuds became so popular. 

Next time someone catches you talking to yourself just say, "Science approves!" Or, if you want to try to have a sense of humor about it just say, "Yes, I am having an intelligent conversation with myself and I also answer myself."

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