Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Making Special Holiday Traditions



Let me start by saying there is no such thing as having a perfect Christmas holiday. If you worry about making everything perfect, then expect to be burned out really fast. It is all about what works for you and your family at the time. Traditions are nice yet I find it interesting to change things up some every year or so.

Some of the holiday traditions my family chooses work for us most of the time. And sometimes, we make them up as we go. In other words, no one gets bent out of shape if some things change. Change is good.

The ideas that we work with are some that you and your family may have for your own... 

It is fun for some of us to make our own Christmas cards, bake Christmas cookies and make Gingerbread houses. And it can be fun to load up the car to see the Christmas lights or go to a Christmas Eve service.


On Christmas Eve, before we all gather for a Christmas movie to watch together (we all agree on one but many times it is The Polar Express) we enjoy a take out dinner from our favorite Chinese restaurant.

We can write a note to Santa and leave out him some cookies and of course, some reindeer food.

Then it is time to end the exciting fun-filled evening with a book to help us try to get some sleep on this special night.

We all wake up to the chatter of the children and find out what Santa surprised all of us with. Quite a long and fun drawn out affair. We actually take a little break to get our matching shirts on and have our special French Toast casserole that was made the night before and popped into the oven to cook, along with fresh croissants and fruit. YUM!

It always is a special day and no matter what is going on or NOT going on that is the usual tradition...it is just a wonderful family time.

This year we were breaking tradition a bit in that after this main event, four family members were headed to another set of grandparents for Christmas there. I was invited, however, I was also invited out with friends who have been celebrating Christmas at a movie and then out to dinner. I thought that this was a perfect time to try a new tradition. It worked for all. Even when the love of my life was celebrating Christmas with me, the two of us mixed things up at times. At times we had none of our children with us on the actual day, we changed things up and made reservations for a late afternoon lunch and thoroughly enjoyed the change. Attitudes...they matter. Go with the flow...

So my advice is to never discount the opportunities to make special holiday traditions of your own. It is a good thing!

Friday, December 6, 2024



With Thanksgiving behind us now and Christmas and Hanukkah approaching quickly, not to mention the New Year, it is appropriate to think of new beginnings.

Every day should be a new beginning for us to 'forget yesterday, think about tomorrow but live in the present.' That is based on a quote from Eleanor Roosevelt. "Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift That's why we call it The Present." I absolutely love that. 

Each day is a chance for a new beginning, and we should all be thankful for each day. Yet we also need to learn from our yesterdays and set goals for our tomorrows. We are all a part of our past. Some are good, some are great, and others are not. The important question is whether or not we learned from it. In my humble opinion, there is always time for gratitude and new beginnings.

This past Thanksgiving was a totally new beginning for me. And it was simply lovely. There have been Thanksgivings in the past that I have been the hostess for 15 or more people. And there have been times when it was just Steve and me. Sometimes we cooked and other times we tried making reservations at nice restaurants and loved it. It is all about making the best of each celebration. Find all the things to be grateful for - there are so many! This year my sweet daughter came up with the idea that we should host Thanksgiving. Her mother-in-law usually has all family celebrations at her home. They have a large fenced yard to accommodate 6 dogs. They can run and be free. We really don't have that outside space but we do have a perfect set-up inside to seat everyone. 

We also do not have a room with a big screen tv. Well, we do but it is where Craig sleeps and clothes are spread everywhere. Not a room to have the family in to watch tv. It is no longer "the Media Room." 

However, we did stay around the table and talk. Imagine? It was lovely to do that. Imagine this as a great new beginning. NO tv. In the summer, many go outside under umbrellas and swim when we go to Barbara and Jerry's home. Just not an option for Thanksgiving. And, I am not into sitting out in the heat unless I am in a pool on a float. 

So I was so very grateful that we could host Thanksgiving this year. It just worked out beautifully; even without a tv room. I am up for getting a tv. We even have talked about it. But until we can find someone who can hook up the wiring so no cords show, it is a big NO for me. And no one seems to have the get up and go to find someone. Until that happens, we will have our Reading Room. I so much enjoy it now with the fire going. 

"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom."
~ Marcel Proust ~

Saturday, November 16, 2024



Just like love, beauty is a timeless and elusive concept. It means something different to almost everyone. It is definitely shaped by society, culture, and personal preferences. Criteria continues to be ever changing from decade to decade and from place to place.

After centuries of trying, the definition of beauty continues to remain obscure. The focus shifts from an outer to an inner lens. Women in the 60+ age range define their beauty in a particular and fascinating way that literally challenges what society traditionally considers beautiful.

There can be many different surveys on what is considered beautiful over 60. However, the perception of beauty after 60 is much more personal. If one is to ask women of the Sixty and Me community whether they thought they were still beautiful in their 60s, the answers were authentic, honest, and not surprisingly confident. Here are some paraphrased answers that I found along with some photos of women over 60 that you may recognize.
  • Beauty for me has a positive attitude 


  •  What counts is to dress well and with style

  • Perhaps in a different way, I still feel beautiful, inside and out

  • Absolutely, I behold my beauty, by being my best me

  • I believe in the philosophy of trying to be the best I can be

  • Yes, I think I am beautiful. I have more confidence in myself

  • If you are beautiful on the inside you are beautiful on the outside

  • So much more now because the inside is what really matters

  • Yes, nature is changing my body and I accept it with grace

  • We use our own standard of beauty -  yes, I am beautiful

  • I don't worry anymore - there is nothing uglier than worrying

  • I see a new and different kind of beauty every year with me

  • I try to be beautiful from the inside smiling often

A Swiss-American psychiatrist named Elizabeth Kubler-Ross is quoted:

"The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depth. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.

I agree wholeheartedly on this perception.

How about you? What is your perception of beauty after 60?

Saturday, October 26, 2024



Perceptions of beauty are shaped by society, culture and personal preferences. Beauty is definitely a timeless and elusive concept that means something different to almost everyone.

Yes, there are at least some shared social definitions of what beauty looks like, but, even that can change in a heartbeat. In this blog, I would like to talk about all ages, however, I am honing in on the 60+ age group. In this sector of society, the perception of beauty is more personal. Most in this age group do not describe themselves as attractive in the traditional sense. They  tend to offer a different perception of beauty. These women that were interviewed did consider themselves still beautiful in their 60's and their answers were always honest and they were confident. Here are some of their replies:

Yes, nature is changing my body and I accept it with grace...
What counts is to dress well and with style...
Beauty for me is having a positive attitude...
Looking through rose tinted glasses are the best...
There is so much more now because it is all about what is inside that matters...

There are so many interesting perceptions of beauty. Really it boils down to taking care of ourselves. That goes beyond bubble baths and spa days (but those are so very important). But what really matters is what is going on inside ourselves. If we struggle with negative thoughts or a lack of confidence, then cultivating a sense of self-love is where we need to begin. 

Treating ourselves with kindness and compassion, along with grace while setting and respecting our own healthy boundaries is what serves our own well-being. We need to be sure to build for our soul a beautiful home. Knowing that it is ok to be a little weird and quirky is important. Perfection is not reality.

It really boils down to deciding what you want and then do that. Go for that goal. As Judy Blume was quoted, "Each of us must confront our own fears, must come face to face with them. How we handle our fears will determine where we go with the rest of our lives."
YES! So true! Life is not a matter of milestones but of moments. Take the time to find each moment that brings us happiness and just relish in it. Our golden opportunities that we seek are within ourselves.

So just go ahead and have your own perceptions to define yourself. Others will perceive us as how we present ourselves. That is reality. So go with all of your grace and self-confidence that you can gather and you with have your perception of yourself inside your head of exactly the way you desire it to be. 


Sunday, October 6, 2024



"Every moment is a fresh beginning."

T.S. Eliot

There is a wonderful feeling when we discover that when we begin fresh - all over again...magic happens. It is just one way to work at reinventing ourselves. We need to uncover our unique abilities. It gives all of us a sense of well-being. It is true that if we run from uncovering new abilities and experiences that one way or another life finds a way to make it happen for us. Sometimes that way takes the power away from us and is not always pleasant. 

I believe that many of us, myself included, feel at times that we must confront facing our "issues." That is really such harsh word. I am all about the vocabulary and instead of using the word confront, I heard that uncovering was used in many discussions. There is always time to find our own uniqueness. At times it is just too easy to blame our own responsibilities for not taking the time to find ourselves by uncovering our unique abilities. 

Once a person reaches a certain age, time seems to just fly by so there is no time like the present to get busy creating ourselves in the way that we would like to become. Uncovering our positive attributes to help make us better humans just feels joyful and positive. 

In reality, there is no such thing as standing still. Think of it as a flower. We are either growing or we are wilting. I don't know about you, but I am not fond of wilting flowers, therefore I do not want to find myself wilting away. I need to always feel like something new is calling me. It is a matter of me taking life by the reins and embracing whatever new may come my way. Otherwise, I have discovered that I feel STUCK! At one point I remember asking myself if this was all that there was. 

By gosh it is not. I have a lot to live for and to experience. There are many things on my bucket list and everyone's list is not the same. I can assure you that riding roller coasters, zip-lining, parachuting, or hiking are not on my list of what I need to experience. And that is ok, as long as I am willing to explore new dimensions of my life that might bring me joy and meaning. 

Hope tells me all of the reasons why I could do something and hope most definitely is not blind optimism. It is taking action and I know that it is important to remember that hope does not come with guarantees. Hopeful actions help to build my own self-confidence. Another way to look at it is to remember this quote from Morris West:  "If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you'll never enjoy the sunshine." Hang on to that HOPE.

Some things that I have decided to work on are listed below. The list is quite long, so for this blog I have only named a few. 

  • Don't wait. Do it now. Whatever my "it" is, why wait?
  • Stop feeling guilty when I put on my brakes to just slow down and take it easy. It is a delicious feeling to wake up with coffee or maybe an organic tea and just read. Then take a shower and get dressed much later in the morning. I stopped beating myself up because of doing this. Hey! I am retired and that means that I can do what I want when I want. 
  • We have a family dinner for 5 most every night that there are no specific activities going on and we all 'power off' at the dinner table. Take time to listen to one another and carry on conversations.
  • Besides working on getting better at getting my blog out on time and getting my novel ready for the editor, I have accomplished reading a book every two weeks. That was my goal and sometimes I even surpass that goal. 
  • Continue writing in my journal. I have done this for over 25 years. I miss writing in my journal at the same time with my soulmate. But I now write in my journal about what my day was like, how my emotions were for that day, and even write as if I am talking with him. It truly is comforting to me. I also have a Gratitude Bowl. 

Using colorful Post-it notes, I write one thing specifically that I am grateful for each day. Yes, when it fills up, I must clean it out and start fresh. I have a special place where I keep the old papers. I just can't bear to throw them away. Reading them over again brings me great joy. 

Find what brings you happiness and start you own fresh beginnings...at your own pace. There is no right or wrong unless we allow ourselves to wilt. Feed the flower.

Sunday, September 15, 2024



If you actually think about your own life as a book, you could divide it into chapters. Looking back we all have had exciting chapters with lots of adventure, happy chapters with laughter and sunshine filled with rainbows and yes...even sad chapters that at times made it hard to get out of that funk!

Sometimes it is the psychological phenomenon where we feel motivated to take on new goals or a new way of doing things. These things help to create a mental divide between our old self and our new self. This can spur us to make a change - open a new chapter in our lives.

Be wary though, because a fresh start is powerful only if your goals are significant to you and you commit to constant action to progress towards those goals.

An important thing to remember as you make these fresh starts or begin to reinvent yourself is that you don't want to do so in a rush. Our brain loves to do this. Actually, part of our culture leads us into this mindset. I, for one, do not want to be in my Halloween costume, eating Thanksgiving dinner while putting up Christmas decorations. The stores are full of winter clothes in August. Not to mention the fact that there are also Halloween costumes out and not far behind are all of the holiday decorations. AAgghhh! Too much! Too fast! Let's slow it down some and think of that reinventing goal and try to think if there is enough time to do so. Well...there are 3.5 months left in 2024. Now is the time to do something with that remaining time instead of just thinking about what you want to create within yourself. 

There is still so much time to create and accomplish some of your goals. Really, it is very awesome just to think about where you could be by the end of the year if you begin to take action now. In your mind get some clarity on what you truly want for the next chapter in your life. Ask yourself what feels meaningful and good to you. Once you have established this you can begin to envision exactly what is possible and know some of the ways to take action on your journey.

Reinvention is so very exciting. Challenging? Yes! The excitement can push you forward to achieve what will make you happy. Sometimes even taking care of unfinished projects and goals is what will become most important to you.

The way that I look at this next chapter in my life is:

It can be scary to get out of our comfort zone, but there is a reason people say it's important - it opens us up to new experiences and encourages personal growth. Each time we try something for the first time, we grow. A little piece of fear is replaced with empowerment. How we handle fears will determine where we go with the rest of our lives.

Sunday, September 1, 2024



So many people are in various stages of reinventing themselves. A state of what I like to call, "REINVENTABILITY!" I like that word. Why? Because we all are capable of reinventing ourselves and actually for the most part it is a natural state to be in. That is unless you want to just stay stagnant. Few people want that, yet so many people fear change. To evolve into something new, you really must be willing to let go of familiar habits and interactions that do not serve you and your future self in a way that you would like to see your future self. It can be scary and it can be uncomfortable and yes...it is most definitely uncertain.

On my journey of reinvention I am learning that all will be okay. I believe that I have always been a reinventor of myself. Some times more than other times. I have always loved changing jobs and trying new and challenging activities. However, when I lost Steve about 23 months ago, I did become stagnant. Probably in hindsight it could be called shell shock. I could not imagine my life without him. There was a sense of hopelessness. Definitely not a place that I wanted to be.

For me, this was a good place to begin. It is a place that once you discover that you want to change something we must look within ourselves. We all tend to look on the outside. Reinvention actually begins from within ourselves. It requires action and making changes for a sense of purpose. Start with a self-inquiry. That is a foundation for all reinventions. It is a matter of following your own joy and enthusiasm. It requires letting go of the "old" you in so many ways. And that was so hard for me. 

Finally, I did come to the conclusion that my life would never be the same as it was with Steve. I used my journal to talk to him about my NEW daily life without him. There was no longer the two of us going to movies, plays, concerts, or even planning meals and cooking together. Much less sitting down to a gorgeous table setting with linen napkins and flowers, wine, etc.

My action plan was to start fresh with a new look for our breakfast room. One that fit all 5 of us as a family. This is just the beginning. The walls will be painted a lighter color than the chairs and everything is washable and easy to clean. It was my action plan taking place. Did it make me happy? YES!

Whew! I have a most marvelous family of a spectacular daughter and two granddaughters who mean the world to me. I could not bear to be without them now. Dinnertime was one example that I had to come to terms with. Two family members gulped down their dinner and at times start eating before we all are even seated as a family. Just something they were used to doing. Left at the table would be my daughter and youngest granddaughter with me. We barely had even started eating and off two other family members go. One to go upstairs to do her homework and the other one to go sit in his favorite chair and play on his smart phone. That is one thing that is not allowed at the table. And that is a very good thing. 

To help me get through this kind of family meal, I just worked on my mindset that it was good that we all at least sat down to have a nightly meal together unless school activities prevented that. We usually just have a later dinner that night. So...the word to the wise is just to be glad and positive for the little things that are happening. I can only reinvent myself. Others must fend for themselves. 

The action that I took and the changes that I made all became a part of my reinvention. We still all sat down but on a less formal breakfast room set, no cloth napkins and more of a buffet style so that the dishwasher is not overloaded with a family of 5 for dinner and then adding in all of the lunchbox containers from school and work that day. Now I know why some households have 2 dishwashers. It made for a happier me. That was my action to help reinvent the dinnertime in our house. 

I followed my joy of having my daughter and her family with me. This gave me a sense of purpose. I worked on getting myself healthy again and instead of my daughter having to take care of me...I am able to do things like be the head cook most of the time. She still loves to grill and make some of her specialties but only when she is not rushing in from work and picking up kids from school and after-school activities. Those days there is no time for a healthy dinner. I honestly love cooking. When we plan the week's meals together we take into consideration the plans of everyone for the day. It works! I simply had to let go of the way things used to be and it was not going to be that particular way again. It can be very exciting to work on reinvention from the inside out. It is a matter of shifting from one kind of life to another. 

Reinvention happens when something pulls at your soul. It is the creative side of myself coming out and exploring what makes me happy and not being afraid to try something new.

Going to a movie or play alone...or perhaps on a trip. Connecting to what feels joyful. Once I begin, I can feel a momentum growing and little voices in my head telling me that change is good. 

We all must figure out our next chapter. Forget the 'What-ifs' and remember that action is so much more powerful than thoughts. Taking steps in the direction of your goals helps you to forget all of the 'what-ifs' and focus on your next chapter. That is what reinvention is all about. Every single action has major benefits and you learn from it and discover something about yourself. Everyone is able to harness their inherent ability to reinvent themselves.

My husband and I had decided to get costumes to go to a Halloween party. We thought about what we could go as and we came up with a costume from the TV series MASH. He would be Hawkeye and I would be Nurse Houlihan. We ordered the MASH army green t-shirts, dog tags and camouflage pants. Steve had a robe to put on, as Hawkeye usually wore one when not on duty. Then October 23rd was Steve's last day with me. We never made it to the Halloween party. 

The reason that I bring this particular story up is that just the other day, I was going through a drawer that I had not checked for clothes that were now too large for me and there our costumes were. So many emotions! After showing them to my daughter, she asked what was I going to do with them. Obviously, even mine was way too big for me now so I very quickly said that I guess they will get packed up to donate. In a blink of an eye she asked me to think about using them for night shirts. Both were actually long enough to do just that. PLUS, had the extra benefit of feeling so close to Steve just by wearing them and sleeping in them. So I took her suggestion and it felt so good sleeping in what was to be our costumes for a party but through reinventing how I felt about them and that simple action plan turned my whole outlook around.

I have discovered that this was just one of many significant challenges that I faced when I lost my soulmate. Instead of just curling up and feeling sorry for myself, I continue to make plans and take actions that help to bring me joy and happiness. Life, after all, is supposed to be an adventure, and finding new ways is what makes it all so exciting. Do I still have my emotional moments of getting teary-eyed and missing him like crazy? Of course, I do. I hear Steve's voice telling me not to be sad because he will always be right there with me. I know this for a fact! Emotional vulnerability is important because it helps you through to a transition  -  a REINVENTION!

Connecting with Steve through a red cardinal that comes to my study window and perches on the birdseed stand while staring in at me. Usually, it is when something is on my mind that I always used to have him to talk to about. I can hear his wise words telling me that everything is gonna be alright! 

My words to myself are to always embrace challenges of possibilities...keeping my mindset in positive ways to grow.

Sunday, August 11, 2024



Reinventing yourself is not a standard process. It is important to view your own reinvention as a journey of self-discovery. It is a case of finding your “why.” It is letting go of your past and moving forward to your future. 

From a new haircut, new way of doing make-up, going to see a play, movie or just out to eat alone. I have been taking baby steps that take me out of my comfort zone. This did not happen until I felt comfortable within myself. Losing 100 lbs did that for me. I always had Steve with me before. Now, for things we did together, I am finding ways to still do; even if alone sometimes. And for now, it is ok to take baby steps. I would love to have gone to some recent concerts but they are at 8-10ish. I don't quite feel safe out alone walking to my car alone. Maybe I will get there? Baby steps for now. The Grizzlies are also on TV. So, I can watch them at least. Matinees are how I get around the movies and plays. Along with going out with a friend. But for night events, most all women I know feel the same as I do.  

Self-reflection is an inseparable part of reinvention. Through self-care, journaling, and meditation with mindful breathing you can gain a better understanding of yourself. Self-reflection also helps in emotional intelligence. It is important to always be honest with yourself. That can be challenging. Ask for support if you need it. Believe me, it takes a whole community to grow and to reinvent yourself. Surround yourself with the right people. People who can bring you up and not pull you down. Celebrate all successes - big or small. This helps boost confidence and self-worth. It encourages constant learning and teaches us to always continue to explore new parts of ourselves. 


Making small changes to reinvent ourselves is putting it all in perspective. Those small changes can make a big difference. This is for real and no pretending allowed. Start slowly with reimagining our lives and finding the joy in small steps. Turn around the everyday stuff that we all must do by making them exciting. 

Go ahead and make your life a fairy tale by reinventing yourself. 

Sunday, July 14, 2024




The song, "When you are smiling, when you are smiling, the whole world smiles with you." Yes, indeed, that song is exactly right. It not only makes you feel better but everyone that you smile at feels better also. Smiles are contagious. That is but just one of the many superpowers of a smile.

Research from the University of Missouri-Kansas City has shown that there are many benefits of smiling.


  • Smiling can make you look younger. Hey, who doesn't like this idea? It is a perception of how other see you as being younger than you actually are. People with frowns were perceived as older.
  • Smiling can make you look thinner. Sad faces that were flashed on a screen were perceived to be heftier. I found this to be surprising but maybe a mouth turned down in a frown might give the impression that the person is weighted down by unhappiness?
  • Smiling elevates your mood and creates a sense of well-being. Every time you smile dopamine, endorphins, and serotonin are spreading in your brain. In other words, a party started in your brain, so to speak. Join in!
  • Smiling induces more pleasure in the brain than chocolate. I had a little trouble believing this (depending on the chocolate) but British researchers found that one smile can generate the same level of brain stimulation as up to 2,000 bars of chocolate. Hmmmm - just reporting what I found in research! 

  • Even a forced smile can lead to a mood boost. Thich Nhat Hanh, a Buddhist author, said, "Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy." Research subjects directed to place a pencil between their teeth, forcing their lips into a smile, actually felt better. Odd, but true. So it is a good thing to put on a happy face.
  • Smiles can predict fulfillment in marriage. Think about this for a moment. Who wants to live with a grouch? 

  • Smiling can make you seem courteous, likable, and competent. The speculation is that if you look sad and anxious then maybe others are wondering what you are up to. So really, it is good for your business.
  • The span of a person's smile can predict lifespan. A smile can be worth seven extra years according to a Wayne University study. They looked over baseball cards. They discovered that players who didn't smile in their pictures lived an average of only 72.9 years. Players with beaming smiles lived an average of almost 80 years! Hank Aaron was born in 1934 and he passed away in 2021. 

  • Smiling is contagious. It lifts everyone's spirits. The one smiling, as well as those that are smiled at. Just smile!

Sometimes your insides just make you smile.