The other day I was listening to my play list and one of Kris Kristofferson's songs that he wrote and sang came on. The one that is titled, "Help Me Make It Through the Night." It hit me that there are so many people that I hear say out loud that they need help to make it through the day. I suppose we need a song about that?
In my mind, just like the poster above states Life Is What You Make It, And I Plan To Make Mine Awesome! It really is all about THE attitude - we are all capable of choosing the kind of day that we will have. For me, it is my inner voice speaking to me and telling me to go the positive route rather than the negative. It really does not have anything to do with what is happening on the outside but it has everything to do with how we choose to approach it.
Lately, I feel that I have had some pretty hard blows come my way. All of us have. It is about how I choose to get on with my life. I am not some saint - just a regular human being. I give myself some time to get teary eyed and even sob some. It is normal and I never let anyone tell me that it is not. After some time, I know that I must take charge and be strong. It may not be a spectacular day but I choose to try to make it work for me with an awesome attitude.
I read a note from someone that I truly admire named Nataly Kogan. I try to watch her monthly ZOOM webinars when the topic is one that I feel speaks to me. Sometimes she has wonderful guests who add to her topic of the day. This past week the topic was all about the word AWESOME. The guest wrote a book called AWESTRUCK. For me, the major idea that I got out of this webinar was to look around and just realize all of that there is that brings awe in my life. That really sparked an interest in me. It is the way that I already used to help me to stay on the positive road.
She had some specific guidelines to help us all become awesome and more positive. There are only FIVE.
1. Be a rebel against apathy and choose to have an awesome day each day. I try to always wake up, stretch and tell my little furbaby, "Good Morning!" (I always receive a stretch back and a waggy tail.) Then put on my robe and come out to the kitchen for my coffee. As my family come down for work and school I like to tell them good morning also. Plus throw out a compliment when someone has a great color on or their outfit looks stunning.
2. Blast your day with non-stop gratitude. As I write in my journal, I really talk to myself and remind me that I have so many things and people in my life to be grateful for.
3. Show up as the most enthusiastic person. This one she had the most enthusiastic person at every meeting. Being retired...I no longer have meetings to show up for, however I do try to always be enthusiastic with friends, family and even strangers in line at a store, servers in a restaurant, people in the waiting room at a doctor's office...the list can go on and on. It usually puts everyone in a good mood.
4. Take a concrete step towards an ambitious goal. WOW! I have 3 in my life right now and I have taken the steps to meet those goals. I know that I must continue my physical therapy at home to continue to improve my knee movement. My new special healthy food plan is good for me not only physically but mentally as well. Then there is my novel that is taking so very long to finish. I have set the goal at the end of summer to be finished and ready to send off to an editor. It helps to keep my attitude adjusted and where it belongs to meet these goals.
5. Pay genuine compliments. This can be toward family, friends and even strangers in person or on social media. I love putting smiles on faces. The most important thing is that it is genuine.
Doing these things will definitely help you feel like the awesome human being that you are. It will elevate your awesomeness. No one is perfect. We all have flaws and our own quirkiness. I know that I have plenty. I love how Tyra Banks changed awesome to flawsome...her own made up word.
Just being the best version of myself is the best way for me to work at being awesome. It is really all that any of us can strive for.
"Awesome things come to those who focus on the positive, recognize the blessings, find the humor and never give up."
Tanya Masse