Saturday, March 12, 2022



How many times have I tried to hide some of the quirkiness that lurks within me? At times it was more important for me to follow the road that I should take, that I was expected to take. Trying to be like others by wearing the right clothes, having the right hairstyle and make-up, finding the right partner, having the right job, and the list goes on and on and on.

The list is not always a bad list. What is not good about it is that if someone does not fit into this so called "way to look and act" then they are left out feeling that they are in the wrong and just too quirky for normal society. I say, Go Your Own Way. (Fleetwood Mac had it right.)

Most of the time I feel that we as awesome humans have to let it go and remember that we were born to stand out and we should embrace it. A quote from Alysa Vertullo backs me up on this, "You're born to stand out. Embrace it." For some reason it reminds me of pink flamingos with their vibrant color and standing on one leg.

The problem for me is when I feel as if I am getting in a rut and becoming too much in a routine then I know  it is time to step out of a so called normal routine. And by the way, who is it the person who says what is and what is not normal. We all do not fit in the same standard nor should we feel others are a bit too quirky. I have always thought this way, just not always verbalized it. I cherish that certain things that my friends may say or do or wear may or may not be for is for them. That is all that matters. 

Once I reached a certain age, I believe that this thought came to be a reality. There were several career choices that I thought about pursuing. However, they did not fit into what was expected of me. Maybe I never would have made a living of being an artist, an actor, a writer or a musician. Now, is the time to experiment and find out. Nothing is wrong with becoming a teacher, a secretary, an accountant, etc. Just don't let it chain you to someone who can't get out of that mold now and then. 

For example, if going on a holiday for one person means going to the warm beach front and lying by  the ocean with waves coming in or out by the pool instead of hiking through the mountains or visiting museums and old buildings then each person has found their own bit of quirkiness. What is good for one may not be for another. It is not to be a struggle to find our own identity. What makes me happy is to take the path that is calling my name. 

Which path do I want to take? If quirky means non-conforming, well then go for it. Just for me, I sort of need to find a happy medium. Act the part from time to time but never let there be times to stand out as an individual and take a different path. "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the less traveled...and that has made all the difference." Robert Frost, I believe he was saying to embrace your life and you will find the most accepting home within your heart. That makes a huge difference.

To be truthful, I can so relate to the little girl on the right. In my first dance recital at about this age, the music started, everyone began dancing and I noticed that the audience seemed to be having a grand ole time. So what did I do? I sat down on the stage and watched my friends dance too. In reality, I probably clapped the loudest of any audience member. I think that my Mom went under her seat. I had a good time and that along with my imaginary friend that went everywhere with me, let's me know that I have always had a quirky side. 

And to end this blog, let me share a very quirky writer's words:

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